Smart and Simple Matters: Creating Community, Simplicity, and Authenticity with You

Smart and Simple Matters: Creating Community, Simplicity, and Authenticity with You


Joel Zaslofsky – your community-animating, convention-challenging show host – taps into all his powerful (and often quirky) strategies in a diverse mix of conversations and solo episodes. For example, you’ll get chats with TED Talk hotshots like Andy Puddicombe on meditation, experts like Tsh Oxenreider on gratitude, humble influencers like Joshua Becker on minimalism, or Paleo superstars like Mark Sisson on Primal-living. The show has 100,000s of downloads because listeners love to deeply explore the slower side of life, simplicity through mindfulness, and intentional living … among other things. Do you need help with your “stuff,” personal relationships, or your relationship with money? Do you enjoy nerdy riffs about spreadsheets or casual references to 1990s music? Subscribe to Smart and Simple Matters now and download this popular, groovy show.

Recent Episodes

  • Facilitation in Small Groups: How to Have More Influence and Action with Less Stress and Conflict – SASM 130

    5 years ago
  • How to Be Human and Our 9 Core Needs with Ry Edwards – SASM 129

    6 years ago
  • My 12 Favorite Podcast Episodes Ever – SASM 128

    6 years ago
  • How to Ask Better Community Questions: It’s as Easy as ABCD with Cormac Russell – SASM 127

    6 years ago
  • Dear Isolated, Detached, and Helpless Individual – SASM 126

    6 years ago
  • How the Modern Simplicity Movement Thrives with Dan Hayes – SASM 125

    6 years ago
  • Full Life Integration, Non-Negotiables, and Your Powerful Lens with Kristoffer “KC” Carter – SASM 123

    7 years ago
  • How to Give a Great Hug – SASM 122

    7 years ago
  • 4 “C”s That Make Sustainability Possible with Ma’ikwe Ludwig – SASM 121

    7 years ago
  • Delight is Right in Your Hands with Annie Raser-Rowland – SASM 120

    7 years ago