Yeah…but are you listening?!?

Yeah…but are you listening?!?


Yeah…But Are You Listening is a space curated to share stories, blueprints to success, laughter, tears, and WINS!! We’re gonna celebrate and comfort each other along the journey, occasionally offering a swift punch to the gut when needed.

Recent Episodes

  • Goals over roles 💕

    1 year ago
  • Why are you "friends" with people who don't even LIKE you??

    1 year ago
  • What keeps you from clapping when others are winning?

    2 years ago
  • Sometimes the loudest applause gotta be your own…

    2 years ago
  • I just love, love…

    2 years ago
  • Welcome Back...season 4 opener!

    2 years ago
  • Depression and anxiety: the battle continues...

    2 years ago
  • Welcome Back…

    2 years ago
  • An Attitude of Gratitude

    3 years ago
  • Just Breathe....

    3 years ago