What Perspective? An Anchored Perspective

What Perspective? An Anchored Perspective


The podcast takes issues from everyday life and poses different questions to the interviewee to get different perspectives. Each person has a view on what they believe to be accurate, and their beliefs have helped or hurt them in life. The Hostess is asking some generic questions about a topic and sometimes playing the Devil’s Advocate to show how perspectives can vary based on what our parents, generational eras, religion/non-religious, and other things in life have taught us.

Recent Episodes

  • Implicit Biases

    3 years ago

    4 years ago
  • Marriage? Women, are You "Good" Enough?

    4 years ago
  • Retreat! Stand Back! with Dr. Neisa Jenkins

    4 years ago
  • Who Stole My Voice? Dr. Neisa Jenkins

    4 years ago
  • Speak Up! I Can't Hear You by Dr. Jenkins

    4 years ago
  • Ekpe Udoh Speaking on "The Real Deal Behind Success!"

    4 years ago
  • Fears and Doubts w/Life Coach, Marilyn Denice

    4 years ago
  • The Honeymooners vs. The Honeymoon is Over

    4 years ago
  • When Divorce Becomes a Reality!

    4 years ago