What Lies Between

What Lies Between


A qualitative inquiry into whatever the fuck it is we’re doing here. Inspired by the connections that I’ve had the pleasure of making during my time on this planet, What Lies Between aims to collaboratively explore the space occupied between our subjective experiences. We are perceptive, meaning-making beings that experience the universe through a paradoxical lens with unique and universally human qualities. Both a source of controversy and wonder, we observe the same phenomena and extract conflicting meaning. Simultaneously, our interpretations often align with others whose backgrounds vary dramatically from our own—and that’s pretty incredible. I see What Lies Between us as objective reality or truth. We interface with it, are a part of it, and attempt to name it. Yet, the consequences of our being alive render it ungraspable. While a question without an answer may seem fruitless, it supplies endless curiosity that drives exploration of an infinitely rich universe occupied by beings who inspire it. I haven’t a single clue where this will lead—this podcast, this exploration, or this life—but I imagine the journey will be well worth it. I invite you to join us as we fuck around and find out. Open up, experience, share your thoughts and love, and let’s see what happens!

Recent Episodes

  • Ep 5 - Andrei Amatuni - Curiosity

    8 months ago
  • Ep 4 - Francesca Di Rienzo - Feeling Alive

    9 months ago
  • Ep 3 - April Whitney - Authenticity

    9 months ago
  • Ep 2 - Elan Mendoza - Self Perception & Photography

    11 months ago
  • Ep 1 - Alex Daniel - Meaning Making

    11 months ago