Warrior 2.0 The Evolution of Personal Leadership

Warrior 2.0 The Evolution of Personal Leadership


Today’s modern everyday warrior is the entrepreneur and coaches. Warrior 2.0 Podcast talks about being preparing others to take on the world and master personal leadership. Warrior’s desire to be independent and in charge of their life and future, based on their own definition of success, by taking on the essence of a warrior. After 30 years of doing seminars, host AJ Puedan hated seeing coaches and entrepreneurs get excited about impacting the world yet get stopped by getting in their own way. The warrior path helps identify and eliminate that which prevents them from getting more. People might know what they want and perhaps what to do. Yet often are lost in the moment because they lack the personal leadership to do it On this podcast, we will discuss using the mindset and path of a warrior.

Recent Episodes

  • My Warrior Journey

    6 years ago
  • The Evolution of Personal Leadership

    6 years ago