This Trying Life

This Trying Life


A podcast in celebration of all it takes to try and be alive. One messy, screwing up, learning, growing, screwing up less, transforming, evolving episode at a time. This Trying Life asks guests what makes life hard, and what makes life joyful, and why to keep trying when things get tough. If life is an arrow baby, you n’ me, we’re just mid-flight.

Recent Episodes

  • Ep. 4 - The Imperfect imperfect (Jodi pt. 2)

    5 years ago
  • Ep. 3 - Phil & Lonelienss

    5 years ago
  • Ep. 2 - Jill & Love

    5 years ago
  • Ep. 1 - Jodi & Words

    5 years ago
  • Trailer

    6 years ago