Things You Can’t Un-Hear

Things You Can’t Un-Hear


Has there ever been a time where you heard something that you simply could not un-hear… something that sparked you to create positive change in your life?

Some people call them “a-ha” moments, where something just clicks and you know the way forward. Those special moments help us to grow without the pain or heartache and this podcast was created to be a place for you to hear a special message that could just change everything.

Welcome to the Things You Can’t Un-Hear podcast with your host Maritza Barone.

We will introduce you to ideas, concepts and mindsets that will open your mind to a new world of well-being and personal life growth. Through eye opening interviews we elevate those creating positive impact for the collective and share insights that will shift you to become the happiest, healthiest, kindest and most compassionate version of yourself.

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Press play on this podcast if you want to:

▶︎ Find out how to live with purpose

▶︎ Learn new self-development techniques

▶︎ Listen to inspirational thought leaders

▶︎ Be the best version of yourself

▶︎ Find out how to speak and communicate your truth

▶︎ Gain valuable tips your your health, wellness and wellbeing

▶︎ Be inspired to create your best life

▶︎ Learn from some of the greatest mindset experts and spiritual teachers around the world.

This is a Guide Your Light Network Production | Podcasts with Purpose



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