The Unrecognizable You

The Unrecognizable You


Bogdan Balajel shares the philosophies he learned, actions he took, and questions he pondered on his journey to become a version of him that is unrecognizable to his old-self. His only hope is that through the sacrifices he and many other giants before him have made that you will flourish to the Unrecognizable You!

Recent Episodes

  • 6. You Don't Get What You Want, You Get What You Believe.

    5 years ago
  • 5. Do your best or GTFO!

    5 years ago
  • 4. Let That Jackass Be Right

    6 years ago
  • 1. Small Choices Make a Difference

    6 years ago
  • 2. Money Moves

    6 years ago
  • 3. Redefining Failure

    6 years ago