The Power Within Us

The Power Within Us


Inner Freedom & Outer Alignment This podcast is all about gaining inner freedom that manifests into outer alignment. Inner freedom can look like so many things but ultimately to me it looks like inner peace, feeling safe within yourself, feeling deeply worthy of the life you desire and deep connection to your heart. What we feel worthy of- we create in our lives. I’m here to unblock you, help you uplevel, overcome self sabotage, love yourself deeply, connect to your spirituality and feel worthy of and manifest the life you desire. Lets get it!

Recent Episodes

  • How I went from anxious to secure attachment style

    1 year ago
  • How to find the courage to take big leaps to pursue your dreams

    2 years ago
  • How I'm healing my biggest shadow + *proving* myself to other people

    2 years ago
  • Harnessing Main Character Energy with self-trust & mindset coach, Alexis

    2 years ago
  • Going after our dreams, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Manifestation with Jesse Wayne

    2 years ago
  • Healing your inner child: Connecting to the truth of who you are & shining your authenticity

    2 years ago
  • What true confidence is + my own transformation

    2 years ago
  • Connecting to your SOUL, shadow work & resiliency with Lauri Osselton

    2 years ago
  • How to let go of people pleasing & being the "good girl"

    2 years ago
  • Building a loving relationship with ourselves

    2 years ago