The Invisible World of Jeremy Jonz

The Invisible World of Jeremy Jonz


Is how you feel about yourself more important than what you see in the mirror? Is it better to have a million dollars in the bank or is it better to have the invisible knowledge of HOW to make a million dollars? If you had to pick one, would you rather put low carb high protein food in your body or abundant invisible thoughts of health, energy, and longevity? Is it better to fit in a certain size pair of jeans or to honor how you fit today in the jeans you’re wearing? Is it better to have hundreds of social media likes or better to invisibly like who you are on social media? Is it better to define your fears or to make goals? Too often we think what’s in the outer world is real and objective, but what happens in our personal inner world, our invisible world inside of us is far more important and real than anything you see in your bank account, home, or driveway. This podcast is me reaching inside MY inner world to share my thoughts around, not how to live your BEST life, but how to live YOUR life! We cover invisible topics like illusions, fear, love, judging, how to forgive when you really shouldn’t have to, how to have invisible courage when scared, how to meet conflict not avoid it, is it better to live in uncertainly or certainty, what invisible lessons can we learn from trees? Can studying the sun help us be happier, wealthier, and wise, and so on. And of course, how to make more invisible friends. So I invite you to come inside my invisible world. It’s where I’ve always been. Believe me, it’s not perfect, far from, but it’s where I live and these are the things I know today.

Recent Episodes

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  • But I Want It Now, Part 8

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  • But I Want It Now, Part 7

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  • But I Want It Now, Part 6

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  • But I Want It Now, Part 5

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  • But I Want It Now, Part 4

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  • But I Want It Now, Part 3

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