The Better You with Kacie Main

The Better You with Kacie Main


I’m Kacie Main – a jaded, hopelessly romantic, health-conscious, party girl searching for meaning, and my mission is simple – to make life better.

For myself… and for YOU!

I believe real change always comes from within, and The Better You Podcast was born to discover hidden parts of ourselves and our stories… a safe place where we have real, honest conversations with people from all walks of life to help better understand ourselves so we can become better versions of ourselves.

So come along on this journey of discovery with me and make each day – which is full of possibility and promise – start with a better you.

Recent Episodes

  • is this thing on?

    3 years ago
  • until we speak again

    4 years ago
  • just me: Life Lessons for the New Year

    4 years ago
  • *BEST OF THE PODCAST* Setting Ourselves Aside with Graham

    4 years ago
  • *BEST OF THE PODCAST* How the Body Remembers What the Mind Tries to Forget with Amy Pope-Latham, LCSW & Certified EMDR Therapist

    4 years ago
  • *BEST OF THE PODCAST* You’re Imperfect, Life is Messy, Show Up Anyway with Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui

    4 years ago
  • *BEST OF THE PODCAST* Your Unconscious, Your Ego, & You with Jungian Psychologist Gary Bobroff

    4 years ago
  • Equine Therapy to Bring You Back to Self with Dr. Ashley Dial

    4 years ago
  • Balancing It All is Bullsh*t with Casey Castro

    4 years ago
  • Finding Forgiveness & Healing with Sara Schulting Kranz

    4 years ago