Take the L

Take the L


Looking for something raw, transparent with no frills or fluff? Look no further than this podcast. Join host, Juniper Promise as she extracts value from mistakes and obstacles common to the human experience. Come and hear stories about owning setbacks and making sense of life’s challenges. Welcome to the Take the L podcast, your lesson cast. Step right in. Xoxo

Recent Episodes

  • The Clock Upon the Wall: A Closer Look at Cinderella

    4 years ago
  • The Crucible of Sacrifice

    4 years ago
  • Show up for yourself!

    4 years ago
  • Desert Places

    4 years ago
  • Just Pivot!

    4 years ago
  • Kindness Goes a Far Way

    4 years ago
  • Wings to Fly

    4 years ago
  • SOS

    4 years ago
  • Big Hug

    4 years ago
  • Upon the Waters

    4 years ago