Storytellinghacker – Get your mind in a complete different experience and FEEL the stories!

Storytellinghacker – Get your mind in a complete different experience and FEEL the stories!


Welcome to The Storytellinghacker Podcasts! . . Get your mind in a complete different experience and FEEL the stories! . . You are just one click away from experiencing the adventure of the StorytellingHacker! . . Share the love . . Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates!

Recent Episodes

  • I am BACK!

    1 year ago
  • Debug Resurrection on nrf52 series

    3 years ago
  • Some basic approach on hacking hardware

    3 years ago
  • Power of Hardware Hacking pt.2

    4 years ago
  • ::— Power of Hardware Hacking pt.1 ::—

    4 years ago
  • :: The power of Hardware Hacking ::

    4 years ago
  • :: The Power of Hardware Hacking ::

    4 years ago
  • The Storytellinghacker - Episode Covid19

    4 years ago
  • Storytellinghacker E05 - The story behind Makers Asylum

    4 years ago
  • Storytellinghacker E18- The beast has arrived

    4 years ago