Shine Time With DAVE SHINE

Shine Time With DAVE SHINE


Weekly dose of inspiration and unique perspective that can help you feel better about your life and become the light of your own life.

Recent Episodes

  • The natural gifts of life

    3 years ago
  • How to feel better about your life

    3 years ago
  • You can create it how you want

    3 years ago
  • Be the light of your own life

    3 years ago
  • Being nice to yourself is the starting point to living a great life

    3 years ago
  • Worthy Meditation

    4 years ago
  • Drop the limiting Beliefs with - David From Light ways

    4 years ago
  • Your being is what Manifest (Anthony Chovan )

    4 years ago
  • You are Divinity Incarnated with - Arshaad Ali

    4 years ago
  • The Spiritual Journey with Eli - Universal Crystals

    4 years ago