Rise By Lifting Others

Rise By Lifting Others


Steve Jobs once said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking back”. Well, what if you’re in your early 20’s and all you have to look back on is High School and some GEs? In the Rise by Lifting Others podcast we seek out people who have built a meaningful life by making a difference in the lives of others. We ask them tough questions like “How would you do college differently?” and “What did you do when the grind got tough?”. We look for ways that the dots all connected for them and look for clues to how our dots will connect as we move ahead. You’re not gonna want to miss this.

Recent Episodes

  • Drew Dudley | The Secret to Winning the Game Is to Not Play the Game

    3 months ago
  • Cole Barton | It's as simple as deciding that I will

    1 year ago
  • Emmanuel Nnah | The guy that knows as much about Ferrari's as Enzo himself

    2 years ago
  • Paul Jenkins | Hitting the outer rings over and over until you find your bullseye

    2 years ago
  • Nick Fuhrman | An unusual approach to helping students build confidence in themselves

    2 years ago
  • Matt Smith | A curiosity driven adventure

    2 years ago
  • Shaun Clark | Making an impact not a career

    2 years ago
  • Steve & Corey Neff | Our very first interview ever!

    2 years ago
  • Kris Stoddard | Combining two passions

    2 years ago
  • Jim Doty | The power of forgetting yourself and how to get everything you want out of life

    2 years ago