One for You / One for Me

One for You / One for Me


Hi hotties! My name is Varshini and my podcast “One for You / One for Me” is a series of conversations with friends, family, and people I admire. Sometimes it’s also just me ranting because I am the embodiment of “strong opinions, loosely held.” My whole reason for starting this podcast is to just have fun – a huge motivating factor in the way I live my life (from my outfits, to my hair, makeup, and the plane tickets I DM my friends at all hours of the day). Each episode will typically culminate with my guest and I exchanging pieces of advice because I am so into self growth and improvement, it’s like kind of a problem (no seriously….but more on that later). I hope you enjoy! Love you lots, xoxo byeee Email me with inquiries/if you want to jump on at

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  • S1E9 People Who Do Model UN Are Hotter Than You Think

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