Next Level: Good Vibes Only

Next Level: Good Vibes Only


We bring you on a hero’s journey to create your own path to transform your life to close the gap between who you are now to become who you are capable of being.

Darren and Jessica Salquist spend some time chatting about Stoic Joy. “Just as wood is the medium of the carpenter and bronze is the medium of the sculptor, your life is the medium on which you practice the art of living” – Epictetus. Seneca said “The philosopher: he knows how to live for himself. He is the one in fact, who knows the fundamental thing: how to live.” Creating the good life by cultivating the art of living. Your life is the medium on which you practice the art of living as Epictetus states. Who are you? Do you want to dig a bit deeper to understand you and your life better? Listen in for some tips and philosophies.

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