Muse and The Catalyst: Personal Growth | Spirituality | Creativity | Family

Muse and The Catalyst: Personal Growth | Spirituality | Creativity | Family


Welcome! We’re your hosts, Megan and Aaron Schiller. In the Launch Medicine Podcast, we explore the relationship between business and healing, chatting with spirit-backed entrepreneurs about the wild journey of maintaining a connection with spirit while manifesting big visions. We discuss the challenges, best practices, miracles, and opportunities that often pop up on the ride. Bless your business! You can find us over at

Recent Episodes

  • Relational Healing through Dance with Kathy Altman

    3 years ago
  • Death Midwifery with Olivia Bareham

    3 years ago
  • Water Wellness, Parenting, and Education with Ashley Newton

    3 years ago
  • Writing as a Path to Awakening with Albert Flynn DeSilver

    3 years ago
  • Hip Hop, Transformation, and Inspiration with J Brave

    4 years ago
  • Collaboration in Innovation with Jason Hardi

    4 years ago
  • Prayerful Songwriting with Mikey Pauker

    4 years ago
  • Healing from Fear and Trauma Through Yoga and The Vagus Nerve with Beth Spindler

    4 years ago
  • The Blessing of Music and Sacred Silence with Ram Dass Khalsa

    4 years ago
  • Healing Trauma Through Radical Self-Acceptance and Shamanic Journeys with Robin Rivera

    4 years ago