More Than Just a Type

More Than Just a Type


Tangible tools to achieve your goals and live your best life. The More Than Just a Type Podcast with Taja Cato brings you the tools and actionable steps you need to move forward with clarity and empower you to take action and pursue your dreams. Each episode is designed to give you a tool or tip as we explore what it really takes to live your best life. Tune in weekly for an educational Q+A, inspirational guest, story or insight that’ll get you out of a funk and feeling confident in yourself and motivated to take action and become the best version of yourself and live your best life!

Recent Episodes

  • Discover Your Life Purpose and Joy Through Astrology

    1 year ago
  • Discover Your Purpose Through Human Design With Sarah Miller

    1 year ago
  • Best of Replay: Self Compassion x Impact on Blood Sugars and Diabetes with Jemaine Finlay

    2 years ago
  • How to Find a Good Endocrinologist That You LOVE

    2 years ago
  • Achieve Your Goals and Live Life On YOUR Terms, NOT Diabetes' Terms with Ben Tzeel

    2 years ago
  • Diabetes x Life and Achieving Your Goals in The New Year With Sarah Miller

    2 years ago
  • The Best and Worst Places to Put Your CGM

    2 years ago
  • How to Get Started Training Your Dog to be a Diabetic Alert Dog

    2 years ago
  • Do You Experience Insecurities Because of Diabetes?

    2 years ago
  • Discover Your Life's Purpose and Joy

    2 years ago