Mindset, Personal Growth, And Spirituality – Becoming The Highest Level Version Of You!

Mindset, Personal Growth, And Spirituality – Becoming The Highest Level Version Of You!


Alchemize into your most sensational life. We explore the juiciest of topics while getting raw, real, and exposed. We deliver practical spiritual insights that help bring YOU to the next-level version of yourself. Maddie serves it all up with authenticity, braveness, and a side of raunch. We liberate you from your sh*tty subconscious programming. Spirituality, life meaning, health and wellness, self-love, intuition, universal laws, subconscious programming, money, business, quantum leaping, energy hacks, inspiring stories, and more. Hit play and tune into the Freedom Maven.

Recent Episodes

  • May Energy Forecast & a Deep Dive into the Root Chakra

    5 months ago
  • Astrology, Karma, and Your Unique Blueprint with Astrologer, Rachel Borg

    6 months ago
  • The Secret Sauce to Knowing Yourself

    6 months ago
  • Holistic Practitioner Spotlight with special guest Ryan Wimperis.

    6 months ago
  • "Who am I?" - The existential question everyone is wondering. We have an answer for you.

    6 months ago
  • Trailer to The Freedom Maven Podcast

    4 years ago