Mind Full of Everything

Mind Full of Everything


Mind Full of Everything is a podcast calling for the radical healing of the self and community to outgrow the broken dominant culture of radical individualism and disconnection from our place as interdependent beings, so that we can collectively re-envision a safer, healthier and equitable world. Each episode takes a healing-centric approach to explore the embodied ways in which we can collectively restore and transform our journeys as stewards of community and earth through conversations with writers, researchers, coaches and educators, as well as reflection episodes with the host Agrita Dandriyal on her journey navigating the world as a deeply conscious, culturally-rooted and relational being. Head over to mindfullofeverything.com to inspire and revolutionise your healing journey and work, now.

Recent Episodes

  • Nayo Shell on being seen in the natural world as people of colour

    1 month ago
  • Camille Sapara Barton on growing cultures of care in communal grief tending

    2 months ago
  • Maanarak of Grey on artivism and playfulness in international development

    3 months ago
  • Hajar Yazdiha on the politics of togetherness and imagining collective futures

    4 months ago
  • Katya Lovejoy on the remembrance of ancestral joy and resilience

    5 months ago
  • Agrita Dandriyal on regenerating hope in new times

    6 months ago
  • Maribeth Decker on heart-led communications with more-than-human kin

    7 months ago
  • Rebekah Shaman on the healing politics of unity consciousness

    8 months ago
  • Agrita Dandriyal on the gift in community-based citizen science

    9 months ago
  • Chesline Pierre-Paul on repoliticising language and identity

    11 months ago