Make me better in 15 minutes

Make me better in 15 minutes


Want to get better? How about getting better in just 15 minutes? We believe that you can become BETTER in 15 minutes. Better at relationships, better at managing your money, better at making great choices… the list can go on forever. We invite you to join us for 15 minutes as our expert guests share tangible and life-changing tips that will enhance your life and guide you to become the person that you dream to be. Got 15 minutes? C’mon… let’s make you better.

Recent Episodes

  • Make me better at getting rich in 15 minutes, with Dave Grey

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at discovering healing in 15 minutes, with Mandy Meehan

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at optimizing my strength in 15 minutes, with Danny Case

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at adventure in 15 minutes, with Jorden Tually

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at thinking like a kid in 15 minutes, with Leeland and Rye Cutshall

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at giving my best in 15 minutes, with Brandon Tjaden

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at enjoying life in 15 minutes, with Arielle Vandenberg

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at social media in 15 minutes, with Matt Cutshall

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at reclaiming my health, in 15 minutes with Dr. Travis Mowery

    2 years ago
  • Make me better at beating my depression, in 15 minutes with Matty Mullins

    2 years ago