Look at you, doing your best

Look at you, doing your best


I’m on a mission to make people feel seen and heard this is a podcast about the journey and the struggles that make us who we are today. Are you with me?

Recent Episodes

  • Voices of Resilience: Louise Alexandra Erskine.

    4 months ago
  • strangers root for you more than your own friends.

    4 months ago
  • A Conversation with Fleeting Violet

    5 months ago
  • Diving into People Pleasing: A Conversation with Paige Bond

    5 months ago
  • riding the wave of resilience.

    5 months ago
  • no one can take your spirit away.

    6 months ago
  • grief and unplugging for real life.

    6 months ago
  • I've got no more f's to give.

    11 months ago
  • Shoutout to all my quitters.

    11 months ago
  • You're never gonna figure life out.

    12 months ago