Live Your Highest Good With Louisa Latela

Live Your Highest Good With Louisa Latela


Remember, every single moment of every single day, each of us has control and choice regarding the thoughts we think, feelings we feel, the decisions we make, and ultimately the experience of our lives. [itunes pic]

Recent Episodes

  • Love Your Self Love Your Life Affirmations Louisa Latela

    4 years ago
  • LYHG: Make Peace With Your Body and Food Part 3 Chapter 1

    14 years ago
  • Make Peace With Your Body and Food Part 2 Preface

    14 years ago
  • Progressive Relaxation Exercise

    14 years ago
  • Episode 2: Setting Intention for Peace, Love, and Joy

    16 years ago
  • Louisa Latela and Coach Frankie Picasso

    16 years ago
  • You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are!

    16 years ago
  • Self Love and Respect

    16 years ago
  • Hope Is Not a Plan

    16 years ago
  • The Power of Gratitude

    17 years ago