Little Waves Project – Stories That Inspire

Little Waves Project – Stories That Inspire


The intention of this podcast is to share stories of people who are willing to be vulnerable, speak truth, and share learnings from their experiences. Through my story and powerful stories of others, I will offer resources that will inspire us to be our best selves, our real selves. As we take our realness out into the world we can create a powerful ripple effect of love, positivity, and authenticity. This journey means venturing to accept all of who we are so we can own our story and step courageously into whatever awaits. Let’s step into our greatness together.

Recent Episodes

  • Ep.19 | Sonya Hausafus (Recognizing Self Growth)

    3 years ago
  • Ep.18 | Kim Foss (Solo Check In_Sharing What Is So)

    3 years ago
  • Ep.17 | Rebecca Guidera (Healing the body and mind as one)

    4 years ago
  • Ep.16 | Kaci Sintek (Breast Cancer Warrior, Founder of American Honey, Woman of Faith)

    4 years ago
  • Ep.15 | Kunlong Cousin (A Racist Encounter Met With Love & Wisdom)

    4 years ago
  • Ep.14 | BriAnne Ramsay (Founder & CEO of Rocky Mountain Cannabis Consulting)

    4 years ago
  • Ep.13 | Kim Kelley (The Job Hunt, CEO & Cofounder of Pepelwerk)

    4 years ago
  • Ep.12 | Jen Towle (Connection & Stepping Into Your Day)

    4 years ago
  • Ep.11 | Kim Foss (Creating the Little Waves Project, Fear Vs. Fearlessness, & Creating Your Practices)

    4 years ago
  • Ep.10 | Erin Antoville (Alzheimer's Disease, Nature Based Spirituality, & Losing A Parent)

    4 years ago