Life Disrupted

Life Disrupted


The fundamental question is…How do you respond to change?
Disruption isn’t always negative, but it is always about change!

The good news is that we get to decide how we respond. It’s not a matter of if, but when, life disruptions will happen, so are you waiting for change or making it happen.

What do you do when…
Unexpected change blindsides you and you’re not prepared?
Someone else’s change affects you?
You need to change but don’t know how or want to?
Hear stories on why, what and how Disruption can help you get past the Stagnant Quo, Get Unstuck and Move Forward!

Recent Episodes

  • ep#17 - Life Disrupted: Why Are They So Angry? - Carol Francois

    4 years ago
  • ep#16 - Life Disrupted: Living an Intentional Life built on Faith, Family and Hard Work - Hattie Hill

    4 years ago
  • ep#15 - Life Disrupted: Sharing the gift of PEACE - Kim Andrews

    4 years ago
  • ep#14 - Life Disrupted: Living a life of Love, Joy and Freedom - Tilde Guajardo

    4 years ago
  • ep#13 - Life Disrupted: Beyond Covid-19 - Libby Sartain

    4 years ago
  • ep#12 - Life Disrupted: Using Disruption to your Advantage - Janee hill

    4 years ago
  • ep#11 - Life Disrupted: Be Resilient and Stay Afloat! - Maureen Orey

    4 years ago
  • ep#10 - Life Disrupted: A Journey to Optimal Health - Paul Matthies

    4 years ago
  • ep#9 - Life Disrupted: Adopting A Change-Centric Mindset - Aaliyah Haqq

    4 years ago
  • ep#8 - Life Disrupted: Living A Purposeful Life - Tonya Wilson

    4 years ago