Let’s Get Real: A Fierce Heart-Centered Revolution

Let’s Get Real: A Fierce Heart-Centered Revolution


The heartlessness in our world is plaguing our society. Where is the realness in our world? Where is the love, care, and compassion? When we are honest and simply being ourselves this is the greatest act of revolution imaginable. In this podcast, we will explore the authentic human experience of opening our hearts and being ourselves. When we open our hearts we can be what we are meant to be both individually and collectively. This is how we start a revolution of the heart. It begins inside each of our hearts right here right now. When you open your heart your whole life transforms into a creative passionate and fun-filled game of exploration, growth, and joy. When we open our hearts to the problems in our society we can generate solutions that work for the good of humanity and all our relations. In this podcast, we will explore the problems that threaten humanity and find heart-centered solutions to address these problems. This podcast is a visionary exploration of practical steps we can take individually and collectively to pave the way for a society that truly works for everyone. Let’s all start the Heart-Centered Revolution that can spread like wildfire across the globe and be an antidote to the heartlessness. Let’s embody and live from our hearts together and make this world one that truly works for everyone.

Recent Episodes

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