Kick Your Buts

Kick Your Buts


Ever noticed how we ALL have a tendency to say the word “BUT” a LOT? Do you ever wonder if there’s something holding you back…some hidden piece? And how, far too often, we get trapped behind the fears that stop us from becoming who we are truly meant to be and doing what we love? Well, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to kick your “buts” to infinity and beyond and join me, and my hand-selected guests, for REAL talk on what it takes to kick those “buts” to the curb once and for all. Whether you’re an Entrepreneur, Coach, Author, Speaker, or Human…it’s time for you to live without excuses, obliterate the boundaries that are holding you back, and eliminate the self-imposed limitations that prevent you from achieving your greatness. Week in and week out, you’ll learn practical skills and tools to help you step onto your infinite path. This is KICK YOUR “BUTS!”

Recent Episodes

  • 034 Invitation to Stop Playing Small and COVID-19

    4 years ago
  • 033 Being Spiritual and Being Human - Confused Yet?

    4 years ago
  • 032 What I Realized!

    4 years ago
  • 031 Marian McSpadden: From Trapped to Free

    4 years ago
  • 030 John Hopkins: 2 Siblings, Spirit, and COVID-19

    4 years ago
  • 029 Misa Hopkins: Feminine Consciousness, Healing, and COVID-19

    4 years ago
  • 028 Miha Matlievski – From Failure and Near Death to Success

    4 years ago
  • 027 Eva Vennari – Immunity, Intuition, and Covid-19

    4 years ago
  • 026 Fear and the Pandemic – What We Can Do

    4 years ago
  • 025 Annette Tello – Creative Prescriptions for Health and Wellness

    4 years ago