Kamspire liberated

Kamspire liberated


The podcast created from the desire to break out and live and experience life! Disconnecting from what society tells us how to live and what is “normal”. Through working on ourselves individually from the inside out and sharing our experiences, we can inspire others to do the same for themselves. Kamspire began from an idea on my death bed…and that was only the beginning. Join us on the journey in the pursuit to become liberated! “We all have our demons, use them for good.”

Recent Episodes

  • Wake the F*ck up and LIVE your life!

    5 years ago
  • Becoming human.....not a robot!

    5 years ago
  • Happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of the support of KAMspire! Each and every one of you!

    5 years ago
  • Not killing your own happiness and letting the REAL you out!

    5 years ago
  • Make real life connections...and tell your story!

    5 years ago
  • Being happy takes effort!

    5 years ago
  • We can all learn from criticism...and it’s how we use it!

    5 years ago
  • Healing is becoming stronger, not covering up.

    5 years ago
  • What is your will to live??

    5 years ago
  • Be grateful...no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time.

    5 years ago