Journey To Your Higher Self

Journey To Your Higher Self


This show is a place of refuge, a place for people who seek a better life to come be fed, edified, nourished, and encouraged. On this journey to our higher selves, I am a doorkeeper, watchman, spiritual guide, and coach working diligently to help you find clarity in your thoughts, words, and actions. I help you see clearly the path set up to help you soar, and the one that can cause you to sink. I am your humble servant checking the balance, making sure you deposit all that you can into the storehouse so that upon your arrival to your higher self, you will reap a bountiful blessing. The journey to your higher self awaits!

Recent Episodes

  • Divorce Recovery for Women

    6 years ago
  • How To Have a Healthy Relationship With Your Child or Parent Without Losing Their Respect

    7 years ago
  • Why Parents Should Educate Their Children About Inappropriate Behavior By a Stranger or Relative

    7 years ago
  • Why It's Important for Parents To Tell Their Children About Their Past

    7 years ago
  • Melodies of My Aching Heart: The First Wife

    7 years ago
  • Are We Still Slaves?

    7 years ago
  • #MeToo v.s. #NotMe| The Solution |My #MeToo Story

    7 years ago
  • America and Sexual Harassment

    7 years ago
  • First Wives - Melodies of My Aching Heart - Stage 7 - Forgiveness

    7 years ago
  • First Wives - Melodies of My Aching Heart - Stage 6 - Self -Exploration

    7 years ago