Journey Through Fields of Daisies

Journey Through Fields of Daisies


Join the Wide Open Conversations about Whole Health, Spiritual Life, and Family Connections. No one cares for your family more than YOU. No one knows your body more than YOU. Be the health hero of your own story, and rise up to advocate for the WHOLE family! Let’s get Back to Life!

Recent Episodes

  • Grief Hope Life - A message given at Connection Valley Church 10/9/22

    2 years ago
  • 511 - Let's Get Back to Life!

    2 years ago
  • Friday Five - Thoughts, Thinks, Imaginings

    2 years ago
  • Thoughts, Thinks, Imaginings

    2 years ago
  • Five Minute Friday - Life to Life (Good Friday)

    2 years ago
  • Life to Life & Back to Life Again

    2 years ago
  • Friday Five - Conversation with J Michael

    2 years ago
  • A Conversation with My Son, J. Michael, on living active faith

    2 years ago
  • Friday Five - Don’t Give Up

    2 years ago
  • Don't Give Up

    2 years ago