Join the Journey

Join the Journey


Come join the host Liz Brashears as she embarks on her personal journey of growth and uses self-coaching techniques on herself to create a life of joy and abundance. The host has set some big initiatives in front of her for the new year that include weight loss, healthy living, moving beyond self-limiting beliefs and being intentional as she learns to live her best life now. Liz invites listeners to join her in the journey and for them to create the life they have always wanted. Through her journey, and as a Coach, Liz brings practical, manageable advice about creating happiness and taking control of your emotional well-being. If your desire is to be intentional with your goals and to approach each day with joy and purpose, then this is the podcast for you. Liz has learned that it isn’t really about what you get from achieving your goal, but it is about who you become on the journey!

Recent Episodes

  • Ep #50: What 2017 and a Year of Podcasting Has Taught Me

    7 years ago
  • Ep #49: Merry Christmas

    7 years ago
  • Ep #48: Fear as a Motivator

    7 years ago
  • Ep #47: What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

    7 years ago
  • Ep #46: Work it Wednesday - Overcomplicating Leadership

    7 years ago
  • Ep #45: Thanksgiving Edition

    7 years ago
  • Ep # 44: It's Always about a Feeling

    7 years ago
  • Ep #43: Comparison - The Thief of Joy

    7 years ago
  • Ep #42: Gratitude - The Gift that Keeps on Giving

    7 years ago
  • Ep #41: Power in the Workplace - Where Does Your Power Come From?

    7 years ago