I Drank the KoolAid Podcast

I Drank the KoolAid Podcast


This podcast is about helping people explore the “Koolaid”, also known as, belief systems, concepts, and ideologies that might have bamboozled them; and help them seek the fullest life they can possibly experience, to the beat of their own drum. I was first introduced to this terminology by my martial arts instructor. It has become a widely coined terminology that ranges from reckless devotion; strongly believing in an ideology or belief system; blindly believing in a cause; to completely accept a belief or concept without question; to being born into a lifestyle or religion. This podcast isn’t about bitterness and anger. It’s about life-changing experiences and understandings. Join me by looking back at those belief systems you held fast to, find the humor in it, and recognize the growth from it. #IDranktheKoolAidPodcast #lifechanging #koolaid #limitingbeliefs #beliefs #ideologies #cults #health #wellness #balance #transcendence #religion #chruch #lifestyle #expansion #awakening #spiritual #healing #love #growth #fulllife #happylife #devotion #ideology #belief #limitingbelief #authentic #drinkingthekoolaid #drankthekoolaid #cult #religions #acceptance #joy #uplifting #activation #rebirth #renewal #newbeginnings #marriage #divorce #whole #holistic #growing #changing #towercard #aeon #podcast #concept #concepts #forgiveness #god #universe #omnipotent

Recent Episodes

  • KoolAid: Be Happy

    1 month ago
  • KoolAid: Cancel Culture

    1 month ago
  • KoolAid: Swingers

    2 months ago
  • KoolAid: Astrology

    2 months ago
  • KoolAid: Pussy

    2 months ago
  • KoolAid: Tattoos and Piercings

    2 months ago
  • KoolAid: Mean Girls pt 2

    2 months ago
  • KoolAid: Mormonism

    3 months ago
  • KoolAid: DRUGS, mmm kay

    3 months ago
  • KoolAid: Conspiracy Theories

    3 months ago