


Engaging conversations between Michael Lott and Peter Wells reflecting on pieces from Peter’s book “Notes from the West Pole”. The topics explore some of our deepest questions: What is one’s purpose? How do we express ourselves fully while living a harmonious life? How do we deal with a divisive political system? And how do we create space for Oneness within a society of “Twoness”?

Recent Episodes

  • It’s Not Out There, It’s In Here

    5 years ago
  • The Inner Person

    5 years ago
  • Borders Of Our Perception (Part 2)

    5 years ago
  • Borders Of Our Perceptions (Part 1)

    5 years ago
  • Evolutionary Event

    5 years ago
  • Renaissance

    5 years ago
  • The Game Is Up

    5 years ago
  • Evolutionary Event

    5 years ago
  • The New Story

    5 years ago
  • The Three Steps

    5 years ago