Hanging Out In My Closet

Hanging Out In My Closet


Historically THE CLOSET has been a place of storing what is precious, a place of hiding, a place for keeping secrets. But in my closet, I want us to spend time hanging out, learning, growing, and unloading what holds us back. Let’s work together to heal and to be the best we can be for ourselves and for others. Come and hang out in my closet.

Recent Episodes

  • Releasing and Renewing with Thai Trower (Part 1)

    2 days ago
  • Hanging Out With Fiona Dawson: Part 2

    1 year ago
  • Hanging Out with Fiona Dawson: Part 1

    1 year ago
  • Health Is Wealth: Part 2

    1 year ago
  • Health is Wealth: Part 1

    1 year ago
  • Intimacy: Part 2

    1 year ago
  • Intimacy: Part 1

    1 year ago
  • The Power of You

    1 year ago
  • Are You Enough?

    1 year ago
  • Self-Forgiveness: Part 2

    1 year ago