Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie

Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie


Have you always felt like an outsider? That you don’t fit in any box? That you’re living more for others than for yourself? I feel you! Sometimes we just need the courage to say ”f*ck it!” and break free from everything that holds us back in life. I’m Murielle Marie, a writer and philosopher. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and am now a Career and Business Coach for almost 10. Getting Unstuck is my mantra. And it can be yours! So, let’s grab a cup of coffee (or tea) together on Monday mornings. Let’s think and reflect on what’s holding you back from living life to the fullest. You can expect crazy but effective exercises, slightly weird but fun experiments, and little acts of daily rebellion to try out. It will be super fun, I promise. Let’s do this!

Recent Episodes

  • #23 Grit: why it matters, and what you can do to get more of it

    1 year ago
  • #22 The Power of Talking Yourself Into Things Instead of Out of Them

    1 year ago
  • #21 Don’t Let Your Failures Define You

    1 year ago
  • #20 How to stop systematically underestimating yourself

    1 year ago
  • #19 Are you afraid of your dreams? Stop sabotaging yourself, and become the person you want to be

    1 year ago
  • #18 How to learn to grow with your business growing pains

    1 year ago
  • #17 Things to consider to change careers successfully - and land your dream job

    1 year ago
  • #16 Imposter Syndrome: why we feel like frauds, even when we’re successful

    1 year ago
  • #15 How to find your creative flow (and never stop creating)

    1 year ago
  • #14 How to overcome perfectionism and stop sabotaging yourself

    1 year ago