Figuring Things Out

Figuring Things Out


Welcome to Wild & Basic! A lifestyle podcast by @mursalison. He showers his listeners with encouraging words through the funny and serious stories he tells with or without his guests. It’s full of vulnerable episodes but also lighthearted episodes to crack you up. The podcast’s mission is to portray to all the listeners that it is okay to be vulnerable and express what you have gone through to become who you are today.

Recent Episodes

  • Reasons Not to Take Life So Seriously [ARCHIVE]

    8 months ago
  • This is How Society Portrays Age [ARCHIVE]

    8 months ago
  • Is New York City the place to be [ARCHIVE]

    8 months ago
  • How Holidays Affect Our Mental Health [ARCHIVE]

    9 months ago
  • What Burnout Feels Like

    9 months ago
  • Here's Why You Need To Stop Romanticizing Things [ARCHIVE]

    9 months ago
  • Live In The Moment, Not On Social Media [ARCHIVE]

    10 months ago
  • Post-Travel Blues: Coping with Mental Health Challenges After a Travel

    10 months ago
  • Posting Just For The Sake Of Posting [ARCHIVE]

    10 months ago
  • Neither Extrovert Nor Introvert

    11 months ago