Emotional Freedom for All

Emotional Freedom for All


Emotional Freedom means we have sufficient safety, respect, and skill to stay present and engaged with life… whatever is happening… without reacting from our primitive brain with fight, flight, or freeze. And right now such freedom is rare… as rare as taking a deep breath free of pollution… or having a connection with others where you really feel like your unfiltered Authentic Self. You’re invited to explore with me and our community how to make emotional freedom a core experience at home, at work, and in the world we all share. I’m Rick Wilkes, Emotional Freedom Coach at Thriving Now. If you’d like to learn more and be a part of this Emotional Freedom for All intention, listen in, subscribe, and join us at https://www.thrivingnow.com/

Recent Episodes

  • Spiritual Growth with EFT

    1 year ago
  • Don’t Settle for Just Feeling Fine

    1 year ago
  • Resolved: I Choose To Feel Good!

    1 year ago
  • Instead of Fixing… Allowing

    1 year ago
  • NO! You Can’t Make Me!

    2 years ago
  • Grounding Exercises – Regain Your Balance and Composure

    2 years ago
  • 50% of Everything You Do Isn’t As Good… As The Other Half

    3 years ago
  • Savoring Simple Uplifts

    3 years ago
  • Pliable… or Playable?

    3 years ago
  • Allowing… Patient Presence

    4 years ago