Dream it… Plan it.. LIVE it! with 1Life Fully Lived

Dream it… Plan it.. LIVE it! with 1Life Fully Lived


Our Mission is to Help People Dream, Plan and Live Their Best Lives. We created 1Life Fully Lived because we meet far too many discouraged people who are struggling and lack a sense of direction in their lives. People who have lost sight of the beauty and power of life lived with purpose. People who are buried in consumerism and debt, and frankly don’t know where to turn or what to do. We believe in order to be truly fulfilled, happy and healthy, people must learn to tap into their dreams again, and then plan for the life they want to live, hence our 1Life Fully Lived slogan, “Dream it! Plan it! Live it!” Our solution is a comprehensive self-development program for those who need it most. With inspiration, passion and engagement our 501(c)3 non-profit provides education and support to help people live the life they choose with purpose and intention while developing and maintaining financial independence. Our approach employs three strategies that creates synergy within a unique community. First, our 1Life Mastery program teaches people how to reconnect with their dreams, how to create a game plan to make their dreams reality, how to increase their income and live within their means, and how to be productive, proficient and accountable. Second, our 1Life Mastermind program brings people together for monthly webinars on core topics followed by group brainstorming and accountability sessions facilitated by a trusted 1Life leader. Third, we recognize that many people may need to develop additional streams of income to achieve self-sufficiency. Our 1Life Entrepreneurial program is under development, and will help people identify potentially successful business ideas, and provides resources and support to help them launch and grow their enterprises. The heart of our program lies where these areas overlap. Our 1Life Community is a pulsing, vibrant population of “life minded” people working together around the world to brainstorm life ideas and solutions, hold each other accountable, and share personal experiences while teaching and encouraging others to do the same. This community is the life blood of 1Life! Together we are fostering positive and lasting change, and teaching others how to replicate the model in their own communities. It is our goal to provide all our services at little or no cost. We want to embrace the “Pay It Forward” concept by encouraging those we help, help others in return. We believe life is a two way street!

Recent Episodes

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  • The Roadmap To An EPIC Life with David D'Orazi

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  • The Calm Code with Dr. Annie White

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  • Your Dead Space and Head Space Is KILLING You with Dr. Thomas Hemingway

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