Dialed In Podcast

Dialed In Podcast


Dialed In is a place to ‘dial in’, to really hone in on that truth within, to make those little tweaks on the dial that bring us closer and closer to our highest self and who we are meant to be and and want to be in this world in this life. Dialed in was born from some hard experiences I’ve had and some very important lessons that I’ve learned. By choosing to ‘dial in’ we can begin to live a more empowered life, where we choose joy, we choose love, and we choose growth. We choose the path that will help us dial into that highest self. It is a place where one can come to feel safe, feel heard and heal. I hope that through this, we can collectively evolve as a human species, as consciousness in a body. I hope that we can learn to love, to be, to heal. I hope that we can “dial in” to that infinite potential within us. I love you. Namaskaram. Namaste. Peace & love. Shannon Lynn

Recent Episodes

  • Dialed In Podcast 022 ~ Surviving Lymphoblastic Leukaemia with Fabian Bolin

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 021 ~ Healing, Trauma, and Somatic Therapy with Shama Zeynep Anaydin

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 020 ~ Healing from Autoimmune Conditions with Dr Terry Wahls

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 019 ~ The Enneagram as a Path to Spiritual Growth with Rachelle Taylor

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 018 ~ Ecology, Consciousness, and Plant Medicine with Ian-Michael Hebert

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 017 ~ Healing, Accessibility in Yoga and Protecting Your Energy with Kevin Naidoo

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 016 ~ The Immune System, Nutrition & Triad Health Model with Dr Leslie Roberts

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 015 ~ Inherited Family Trauma and Functional Medicine with Kari Dunlop

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 014 ~ Life Hacks and Optimal Performance with Sean McCormick

    3 years ago
  • Dialed In Podcast 013 ~ Prana & Pranayama: The Vital Life Force Within

    3 years ago