Daily Journal Ideas

Daily Journal Ideas


Daily Journal Ideas will be a short podcast each day giving you a topic to write on to help you on a journey of self improvement and growth.

Recent Episodes

  • March 31st - phrase of the day - don't give up on what you really want to do

    4 years ago
  • March 30th - make a list of things you will never ever do

    4 years ago
  • March 29th - weekly planning day plus would you rather have a $50k media room or kitchen

    4 years ago
  • March 28th - write an entry convincing yourself you can do something

    4 years ago
  • March 27th - how was your day today

    4 years ago
  • March 26th - what good habit would you like to start?

    4 years ago
  • March 24th - phrase of the day - every cloud has it's silver lining

    4 years ago
  • March 23rd - pretend you are someone else and describe yourself to them

    4 years ago
  • March 22nd - weekly planning plus would you rather go forward or backward a 100 years

    4 years ago
  • March 21st - do you respect yourself?

    4 years ago