Creating Love and Profit – with David Papa

Creating Love and Profit – with David Papa


Building businesses, deepening relationships, living with Soul, loving our lives. This show is about combining modern science and ancient spirituality into practical tools for the human game. You’ll hear stories, interviews with cool people, tips and weird stuff that’s sometimes woowooAF.

Recent Episodes

  • 010 - Surrender: The Last Episode

    5 years ago
  • 009 - How to Find Your Most Fulfilling Career with Meredith Walters, Career Coach

    5 years ago
  • 008 - Your Soul Needs Nothing

    6 years ago
  • 007 - How to Move Through Any Emotion and Increase Vibration

    6 years ago
  • 006 - Forget Results, Go for Expressions

    6 years ago
  • 005 - Hilary Booker's 3 Tips to Discover Your Destiny

    6 years ago
  • 004 - The Present Moment and Future Tension

    6 years ago
  • 003 - What is the Most Efficient Way to Be Happy?

    6 years ago
  • 002 - Love as a Strategy in Life and Work

    6 years ago
  • 001 - The Point of Life is Love, so What Do We Do with That?

    6 years ago