Books of their Lives – a podcast by shelf help.

Books of their Lives – a podcast by shelf help.


The Shelf Help Club is the world’s first self-help book club and platform and is dedicated to celebrating self-help and supporting you to understand your Self and manage your mental health. This second podcast series is all about supporting you to move more for your mental health, which is the theme of this summer’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Movement IS medicine. And in this series we’ll be sharing ideas, stories and strategies from 11 different authors and experts including therapists, women’s health experts, mind-body pros, energy gurus and somatic healers.

Recent Episodes

  • Nahid de Belgeonne: Soothe your nervous system with primal movement

    2 months ago
  • Kim Ingleby: Moving helps me manage my neurodiversity and beat overwhelm

    2 months ago
  • Dr Navaz Habib: A beginner's guide to the Vagus Nerve

    2 months ago
  • Camilla Sacre-Dallerup: Movement is 100% self-care

    2 months ago
  • Simon Alexander Ong: Don't overthink movement, just start!

    2 months ago
  • Claudia Evans: Self-acceptance has been my biggest challenge

    2 months ago
  • Kate Rowe-Ham: The menopause is a time to reinvent how you move for your mental health

    2 months ago
  • Suzy Reading: Restful movement is deeply purposeful... it's a 'doing' activity, not laziness.

    2 months ago
  • The Mental Sessions - a pop-up podcast from The Shelf Help Club (Trailer)

    2 months ago
  • Anna Mathur: I love movement, but it's also an act of love for those around me

    3 months ago