As You Think with Gabie Rudyte

As You Think with Gabie Rudyte


As You Think podcast is a place where psychology and spirituality meet. If you want to learn more about the mind and positive psychology, but you’re also curious and passionate about consciousness, manifestation, and the beauty that is the Universe, you’re in the right place! Certified life and mindset coach Gabie hopes to educate you and entertain you with this insightful and empowering podcast where science and spirituality meet. Learn more at

Recent Episodes

  • How small, random events become life-altering moments

    4 years ago
  • Being honest with yourself

    4 years ago
  • Don't believe everything you hear in your own head

    5 years ago
  • How to ask the Universe for a sign

    5 years ago
  • Manifesting my dream apartment in NYC using the law of attraction

    5 years ago
  • What stories is your mind creating? FACT vs STORY

    5 years ago
  • How to manifest your dream job using the law of attraction

    5 years ago
  • Don't let your past affect your future

    5 years ago
  • How you can start feeling successful

    5 years ago
  • Alignment first, hustle second

    5 years ago