Abracadabra: Create What You Speak with iLan Azoulai

Abracadabra: Create What You Speak with iLan Azoulai


Abracadabra: Create What You Speak, is an empowerment program for YOU, who are ready to reclaim your inner power. Here, i invite guests from all over the world talk about their art, music and all their creative gifts, and how they navigate the challenges of life, work, relationships and everything in between. The conversations are deep and entertaining, full of the kinds of stories and perspectives that inspire us to live our lives with more creativity, meaning and connection to ourselves and to others. Looking forward to connecting with you -iLan ~~~ iLan Azoulai’s is a Spiritual Life Coach and a Sound Therapist, combining sound, frequencies and vocal profiling to dive into the psyche and untangle emotional blocks & destructive patterns, map experiences, release tension and toxins, and rejuvenate. ~~~~ Follow iLan and subscribe: Web: www.BodySoulSound.com YouTube: Youtube.com/ilanazoulai Facebook: Facebook.com/ilanazoulai Instagram: @BodySoulSound @ilanazoulai

Recent Episodes

  • Abracadabra: EP32: (Hebrew) אבראכדברא: אילן אזולאי מארח את רונית נוביק, אמנית רב תחומית

    6 months ago
  • Abracadabra: EP31: (Hebrew) אבראכדברא: אילן אזולאי מארח את סויאן כספי, זמרת

    7 months ago
  • Abracadabra: EP30: LIVE with iLan Azoulai - Breaking Free

    7 months ago
  • Abracadabra: EP29: iLan Azoulai hosting Moran Sol Broza, Sustainability Impact Entrepreneur & Chef

    8 months ago
  • Abracadabra: EP28 (Hebrew): אבראכדברא: אילן אזולאי מארח את אורית אופיר אלדר, פסיכוטרפיסטית; גמילה מהתמכרויות

    8 months ago
  • Abracadabra: EP27: iLan Azoulai hosting the band HOTBOX

    8 months ago
  • Abracadabra EP26 (Hebrew): אבראכדברא: אברא את שאדבר. אילן אזולאי מארח את חני יזרעאלי-נוי, מתקשרת ומורה רוחנית להתעלות

    11 months ago
  • Abracadabra: EP25 (Hebrew) אבראכדברא: אילן אזולאי מארח את היוצרת, זמרת ומשוררת נודדת, לימור בלס

    1 year ago
  • Abracadabra EP24: iLan Azoulai hosting Dr. Heather Browne, Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert

    1 year ago
  • Abracadabra EP23: iLan Azoulai hosting Brent Hunter, Author-The Knowledge Management

    1 year ago