A Day In the Life of OGGY

A Day In the Life of OGGY


“A Day In the Life of Oggy,” hosted by Michael Ogbonna, is a podcast where he shares his “weekly thoughts and lessons learned from his daily experiences.” He is an inquisitive individual who enjoys analyzing the things he reads or sees in his day to day life. Whether it be his thoughts from the pharmacy or from the Bible, you will be educated & entertained by his unique perspective.

Recent Episodes

  • Prelude: What Inspired This Book S5:1

    5 months ago
  • The 1st Draft is Complete..Guess What the New Title of My Book Is?!

    1 year ago
  • MAJOR LIFE UPDATE: I'm Going to Medical School!

    1 year ago
  • 3 Ways to View & Handle Persecution for Your Faith in College

    1 year ago
  • Fixing Our Self-Imagine with the Word ("Psycho-Cybernetics" Book Thoughts/Application)

    1 year ago
  • Jesus Came To Reverse the Curse (Easter 2023)

    1 year ago
  • The #1 Thing Every College Freshman Needs To Do To Save Their Relationship with God

    1 year ago
  • Michael Ogbonna Interviews LSU Sophomore Hannah Weston

    1 year ago
  • The Danger of Being a Compromising Christian

    1 year ago
  • The Past, Present, and Future of the Podcast

    1 year ago