A Cup of Comfort™ with Trish Laub: CareHero™ topics that nobody wants to talk about

A Cup of Comfort™ with Trish Laub: CareHero™ topics that nobody wants to talk about


Welcome to A Cup of Comfort. This show is about CareHero™ topics that nobody wants to talk about. You might be listening and thinking that you aren’t a CareHero™. But everyone has either been, are, will be or will need … a CareHero™. And if you still think you aren’t a CareHero™, think back, perhaps you tended to a younger sibling’s cut finger or babysat for a neighbor’s child. You are a CareHero™. Perhaps your journey of care started with delivering groceries for a loved one and has now become more demanding. Maybe you were thrown into the fire and became a CareHero™ during a medical crisis. The specific roles may be different – you may care for a parent, a spouse, a sibling, child, or friend – but the challenges are the same. Getting the tools that you need to navigate the maze of unfamiliar options can be overwhelming, especially under pressure and during a crisis. I know, I have been there. There were hundreds of books filled with hundreds of pages that I didn’t have the time to read. There were organizations waiting to help me but that I couldn’t find because I didn’t know the language specific to the services to even search for them. I am here to help you with all of it – no CareHero™ topic is off-limits. I am here to share with you the concise, actionable information, as well as my fresh perspective about living with Alzheimer’s and providing dignified care through the end of life for anyone with a life-altering diagnosis. I will share with you everything that I learned and wrote into three quick-reference guide books in order to help others like you. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and let me help you on your CareHero™ journey. We will talk and share, we may laugh and we may share a tear or two, and we will always share A Cup of Comfort. In 2002 Trish Laub was told that her father was being treated for Alzheimer’s. Trish and her husband moved from suburban Chicago to the Denver area in 2012 not only to enjoy the beautiful mountains but also to be closer to her parents. Just 48 hours after Trish arrived in town, her father suffered an unexpected medical crisis, setting into motion a two and one-half year journey of care. Trish served as a caregiver and manager of her parents’ daily and medical care, as well as the care team. The process continued through their end of life and the settlement of their estate. Trish has continued to gain experience over the past eight years by participating in the care and end of life of loved ones and consulting for others. With her abundant expertise, Trish has created Comfort in their Journey®. Her award-winning Comfort in Their Journey® book series (A Most Meaningful Life, Peaceful Endings, and Through the Rabbit Hole) provides the clear, concise, and easily accessible information that she wishes had been available to her. Trish offers readers her story and experience, and the opportunity to thrive during the caregiving process. These nuts-and-bolts books enable caregivers to be quick studies, think, and then act by making informed decisions. After spending 18 years developing computer systems, Trish went on to cofound both a national dance education company and a national nonprofit prevention theater company focused on helping at-risk teens. She is a Black Belt instructor of The Nia Technique® and has been licensed since 1999. Using her previous computer and teaching experience in combination with her most recent caregiving experience, Trish provides practical guidance for dignified care through the end of life through her book series, speaking engagements, and workshops, and consulting.

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