Still Thinking

Still Thinking


Isn’t life truly the sum of our personal and collective experiences? Welcome to Still Thinking, the podcast that explores where we come from, how we perceive things from our own past and how we can be empowered to develop our own point of view and stimulate curiosity. I’m Joe D and I’ve spent a lifetime raising questions and seeking answers and trying to find the threads and little nuances that bind us. Empowering, engaging, entertaining, and hopefully enlightening. This show will bring together different voices, dynamic personalities and unique perspectives as we try to raise our collective consciousness to increase our happiness and overall sense of purpose. So come along for the ride and let’s come together each week because I’m still here and we’re still thinking. Follow us now. On Apple Podcast, Spotify, or wherever you enjoy your shows.

Recent Episodes

  • A sneak peak of what's ahead...

    1 year ago