Strong Communities: Use Your Strengths Effectively

Strong Communities: Use Your Strengths Effectively


When was the last time someone reminded you that you are a UNIQUE GENIUS? Hello! You are listening to Strong Communities where we cultivate greatness in people by helping them discover what is OH SO RIGHT with them. Our approach is based on the CliftonStrengths™ Assessment, also known as StrengthsFinder. This Strengths Psychology was founded by Dr. Donald Clifton and is the result of over 60 years of research. For those of you who are new to strengths, the assessment reveals your Top 5 instinctive patterns of thought, feeling and behavior. Your results statistically validate that you are at least one in 33 million. We refer to that as your Unique Genius. Once you become aware of your Unique Genius, you will experience a greater sense of well-being and experience better personal and professional success. Join us in exploring a practical approach to heightening your self-awareness and learning how to connect with more people by playing to your innate talents. Strong Communities is a movement focused on a strengths-based approach to elevating people and the communities in which they live and work. Be sure to sign up for a FREE 6-month membership to our strengths and leadership mentoring community at We look forward to sharing your journey to more fulfillment and success as we build strong communities. We Celebrate YOUR Unique Genius!

Recent Episodes

  • Achieving Results: WOO Develop

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: WOO Harness

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: WOO Potential

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: Strategic Develop

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: Strategic Harness

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: Strategic Potential

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: Significance Develop

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: Significance Harness

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: Significance Potential

    3 years ago
  • Achieving Results: Self-Assurance Develop

    3 years ago