GIFTED: No One Gives A F**k If You’re “G*fted”… We Do!

GIFTED: No One Gives A F**k If You’re “G*fted”… We Do!


GIFTED. Giftedness? Intellectual F****** Giftedness! We know you can’t talk about G*fted, but we’re doing exactly that, in podcast format! After only 10+ years on Twitter, @THE_REAL_GIFTED. You know “Gifted” kids? In those classes & programs & schools? Or, maybe not? Too much too intense too sensitive too smart, for their own good? Now, as grown ass adults, & burnouts & over/underachievers & rock stars, we just want to explore this very real lifelong identity. The questions being, is this double-edged sword of the Gifted label, a blessing or a curse? And the answers being, #GIFTED4LIFE.

Recent Episodes

  • GIFTED Ep.03 Ft. I hate to do it, ME, Your Humble Narrator of The No One Gives A F**k If You're G*fted They Don't… We Do! Project

    3 years ago
  • GIFTED Ep.02 Ft. YOU The Listener Of The No One Gives A F**k If You're G*fted They Don't… We Do! Project

    3 years ago
  • GIFTED Ep.01 Ft. The GENESIS of No One Gives A F**k If You're G*fted They Don't… We Do!

    3 years ago
  • GIFTED Ep.00 Ft. TRAILER: GIFTED No One Gives A F**k If You're G*fted They Don't… We Do!

    3 years ago